The origin

Dieter Dorn

"How I got there:
Several years ago I got lumbago and could hardly move because of the pain. What to do? ... I looked for a "fitter" whom I had not taken seriously for years as a symptom-free person, since orthopedists, doctors and non-medical practitioners are responsible in this area, but not a farmer. Possibly the former could have cured my damage as well, but then I was drawn to this "unknown" man. What he did with his thumb pressure on the spine and achieved in the process caused me great enthusiasm; because I was able to move freely again and to resume the not exactly physically gentle work in the sawmill. The suggestion of this aged 79 year old man that I should do this'
The law of nature urged me through instinct, inner security and perceived lack of problems to help other people in this regard:

The first patient, my wife, had had uninterrupted headaches for 20 years. She did not dare to take the earlier advice of the medical professor about an operation under the back of the head because of two too long vertebral processes. I felt these vertebral processes and pressed them into their original position with my fingers.

Result: The headache disappeared within a few hours. In the second prank it was the turn of the neighbor suffering from sciatica, who had previously visited the family doctor twice a week for months, who temporarily relieved the suffering with injections and radiation until it suddenly got so bad that the pain-plagued woman was no longer able to walk. She accepted my help: I ​​corrected the hip joint and squeezed the hard gluteal muscles softly. After a few hours, the symptoms persisted. In further exercise I found out that each individual is able to bring his joints and the spine including intervertebral discs into the correct position for the most part painlessly. Such advice is particularly recommended for possible follow-up treatments for stabilization and prevention. "


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